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Friday, June 1, 2012

May Showers...Where Do Chocolate Eggs Come From?

May blew in and blew out, leaving us with the precursor of Summer: warm sunshine and bright skies. The excitement of the Presidential Election created a sense of hope and expectation; and I have to confess that I felt as much if not more witnessing the tremendous outpouring of excitement. But everything that seems promising does not develop as expected; in which case one must recognize comme les français, c'est la vie. In politics, M. Hollande got on with the real work of 'being' Monsieur Le President in spite of an electrifying win and lightening start on his first day in office.(forgive my attempts at puns).

The elections are not over!! As we begin June, the important legislative elections begin. More on this as it develops.

The eggs we (I)
Before this, I must go back to April as I skipped some important aspects of that month: namely, Easter or Pâques!!! As in America, the root of Pâques is as religious celebration commemorating the Resurrection of Christ--a high holiday in both the Protestant and Catholique faiths. In France, a nation that remains a majority Catholic nation, Pâques always includes an additional "off" day usually the Monday following the holiday.

Easter seemed to signal the beginning of a series of three-day-weekends, which when you want to travel gives you a great opportunity to do so without using vacation time at work. But if you are like me, trying to wade through documents at an archive that respects every one of these holidays, it can be daunting when there are four long weekends in a series of four weeks!!! But I

We were immediately awed by the wonderful chocolate creations just down the street and on the walk to my son's elementary school. To keep up with the comparisons, there were plenty of chocolate eggs, bears, and bunnies in the windows of the chocolate stores--but in addition to these, we found there were also chocolate chickens!!!

If you are wondering why there are chocolate chickens, you need only consider the logic that if there are chocolate eggs, they must come from somewhere!!! I love French people!!!
--more soon,

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